Wands Suit
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The Wands Suit
Fire signs are people who have passion, drive, energy and motivation. Sexuality can also be represented here as a strong masculine energy runs through the fire sign and the Wand suit. On the softer side, Wand people can be warm, spiritual, driven and full of energy.
Fire can be hot, wild, unpredictable and out of control. It can be helpful in that it can cook our food and weld our tools for life but on the flip side can be as dangerous as a forest fire.
Wands get to the bottom of what drives you. They can reflect your personality, your ambition, enthusiasm, ego and self-belief.
The negative side can reflect your impulsiveness, egotistical approaches, feelings of futility and seeing everything through an illusion.
When Wands are heavy in a card spread the querent is usually looking for their purpose in life and what motivates them or drives them forward. They are also looking to clarify thought processes and where they will lead, especially if they are sowing a seed of creativity and want to see how it can be nurtured and grown.
When cards are selected, and any appear upside down this is known as a reversed card. This has a completely new meaning to that card and generally is the opposite to what the upright card signifies.
This is when the negative aspect of the Wands comes into play. There are some upright cards that also represent negative attributes as outlined above.
Here is a quick reference to each card including the reversed version. But know that they do have various meanings and can change dependent on what card surrounds them in the card spread. This is especially so if they are trumped by a Major Arcana card. A brief description of each individual illustration is included, in this instance from the Rider Waite Tarot deck:
Ace of Wands
A hand holds a sprouting branch from a cloud which is bringing a new opportunity or idea that has the potential for new growth. The lush landscape promises abundant growth and the potential to make this a lucrative project. The castle to the left stands proud and true representing the promise that a concept has foundation and strength. The ups and downs on the hilly horizon show there may be challenges ahead but can be surpassed with a willingness to work hard and stay focused.
New ideas. New opportunities. Expansion. Room for growth. Inspiration. Ideas.
Lack of direction. Delays. Distractions. Discovery of self-motivation. Patience.
Two of Wands
A man holds a globe in his hands literally representing that he has the world in his hands if he has the drive to expand his horizons. He stands within the confines of his castle representing his reluctance to go out of his comfort zone. This is further illustrated by the wand that he holds and the one affixed to the castle, he is not ready to leave the safety of his domain. He is still very much in the planning phase and does not want to go any further at present. The lush landscape in the background promises fertility and abundance with his ideas as long as he is willing to overcome any challenges as depicted by the rocky hills above the fertile land.
Future planning. Decisions. Exploring options. Overseas travel. Taking risks. Stepping out of comfort zone.
Lack of Strategy. Going back to the drawing board. Crossroads. Self-exploration.
Three of Wands
A man stands steadfast, free from the castle of the Two of Wands and is now ready to take his dreams forward. He looks out on the horizon willing to embrace the challenge as he can see everything before him. There are three ships in the distance that represent movement and progression as well as the possibility of overseas travel.
Progress. Overseas opportunities. Expansion. Challenges ahead.
Playing it safe. Unaccomplished goals. Unexpected delays. Waiting for others.
Four of Wands
Two people celebrate holding flower bouquets representing the joy of reaching a milestone. Four wands stand as four walls canopied by a wreath of flowers depicting strength, security and stability. People merge in the background by a castle showing comfort and safety on the home environment.
Joy. Harmony. Celebration. Accomplishment. Significant event. Enjoying the fruits of your labour. Firm foundations.
Personal goal achievement. Inner harmony. Family breakdowns. Change in home life. Lack of stability and security.
Five of Wands
Five men appear to be fighting but if you look closer their wands used as weapons aren’t even touching. This represents discord and arguments and the futility of their actions. No one agrees with anyone else and nothing is moving any further forwards. All the men are dressed differently representing their opposing views, beliefs and approaches to this situation. Because of their differences none of them can find harmony.
Discord. Futile arguments. Opposing forces. Competition. Problem solving. Willingness to listen to other’s opinions.
Inner conflict. Avoiding conflict from others. Relief after struggle.
Six of Wands
A man rides a horse wearing a victory wreath upon his head. The horse depicts strength, purity and the successful progression of a venture. The crowd next to him are celebrating his endeavours and acknowledging public recognition. His upright wand also adorned with a wreath reinforces his success and achievement. He is shouting to the rooftops of his success and victory to an admiring crowd.
Victory. Public recognition. Self-confidence. Self-belief. Surrounding support as you go towards the finishing line.
Ego. Lack of personal power. Lack of confidence. Fall from grace. Arrogance. Selfishness.
Seven of Wands
A man stands on top of a hill brandishing a wand and appears to be fighting off the other six wands. He is defending his territory and what he stands for. He has two odd shoes which represent he has been caught by surprise by this attack or has lack of stance and is struggling to defend his successes.
Protection. Defending what you have achieved. Opposition through envy. Preparation for challenge. Outwards influences blocking your path.
Self-doubt. Weariness. Feeling criticised. Holding your ground. Lack of self-esteem. Giving up. Moving on from futility.
Eight of Wands
The Eight wands are speeding through the clear sky suggesting change, travel and fast movement. The river flows freely with no obstacles and is feeding a fertile landscape.
Air travel. Movement. Fast communication. Going with the flow. Concentration. Determination. Whirlwind trip. Taking immediate action.
Need to slow down. Resisting imminent change. Delays in plan and moving forward. Getting your life in order.
Nine of Wands
An injured man holds onto a wand feeling weary from battle. He feels daunted by the other eight wands almost creating a wall of further struggle. He must however endure, as the number nine signifies one more push until the finality of number ten, his journey’s end. He just needs one more push to reach the finishing line.
Resilience. Courage. Persistence. Test of faith. Facing challenge. Allowing help from positive people. Establishing boundaries.
Inability to cope with challenges. Burned out. Gaining control over circumstances. Paranoia. Defensiveness.
Ten of Wands
A man walks towards a village heavily burdened by the weight of the wands that he is carrying. He is only a short distance away from his destination and knows that he will soon be able to unload the heavy weight that he has been carrying.
Burden. Extra responsibility. Heavy workload. Prioritisation of goals. Final steps to completion. Delegating.
Doing to much by yourself. Saying no. Unwilling to share burden. Martyrdom. Temporary challenge. Purging. Release.
The Court Suit
Page of Wands
The Page looks inquisitively at the shoots sprouting from his wand. Whilst he can see the potential growth of the wand, he is not quite ready to take action. The salamanders illustrated on his robes signify fire and transformation. The barren landscape in the background signifies that the Page can create fertility and growth in the most unlikely of places due to his willingness to bring energy and passion to his ideas.
Creative ideas. Inspiration. Creating a strategy. Spiritual calling. Seeking spiritual mentorship.
Struggling to put ideas into action. Projects tuning out not as you hoped. Reconnect with inner vision. Lack of motivation. Limiting beliefs. Privately seeking spiritual knowledge.
The Knight of Wands
A knight sits valiantly upon his horse that rears up ready for action. The Knight holds a sprouting wand which symbolises his energy and motivation for his mission. Fiery salamanders adorn his tunic as well as the passionate fiery flumes emanating from his helmet. As with all of the Wand Court cards, the background is barren and hot with mountains that will be surpassed by the Knights fiery energy.
Passion. Moving forward. Willing to venture into unknown territories. Stopping at nothing. Tendency to rush. Prudent timing.
Personal passion or hobby. Creative restlessness. Acting impulsively. Think before speaking.
The Queen of Wands
The Queen sits on her throne with lions both sides of her representing fire and strength. The sunflowers that she holds in her left hand and that surround her represent joy, fertility and satisfaction. The black cat that sits before her represents her ability to see and understand her shadow self. She is willing to embrace her darker and lesser-known side.
Courage. Willing to face adversity. Determination. Self-belief. Health. Vitality. Natural Inspirational leader. Willingness to expose shadow side.
Self-respect. Spending time alone. Rebuilding sense of self and resilience. Self-discovery.
The King of Wands
The King of Wands sits on his throne holding a blossoming wand that represents life, growth and creativity. The lions and salamanders that are adorned on his cloak and throne represent the fire energy bringing strength and passion. The salamanders are biting their own tails representing infinity and a drive to move forward through any adversity.
Natural born leader. Delegating. Team leader. Maturity of vision. Robust course of action. Master of your own destiny.
Unwilling to lead people. Aggression. Arrogance. Team player. Setting unrealistic goals. Focus on personal vision.
As can be seen, a major part of the Wands suit is about action towards the querents desires.
Other Minor or Major Arcana cards can help identify what sort of goal it is that you are wanting to accomplish and if it is worth pursuing.
If the Wand card, for instance, is trumped by a Major Arcana card such as the Hanged Man it would be a message to hold back, re-assess the situation and decide if it really is worth going for.
If a Minor Arcana card such as the Seven of Swords arises, it may be that people around you are being deceitful or you can’t trust who you are in cahoots with.
By looking at what cards neighbour each other, a clearer picture of where the narrative is going will form. This will then give the querent a clearer message on what that particular card means.
As always, studying the illustrations of each card will really help the querent remember their definitions. Regular study and self-readings will lead to a more proficient understanding of this suit and the others.
By idling away a few spare minutes a day by shuffling and looking at the cards that arise, the querent really will learn the craft a lot quicker.
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