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Original Meaning

It appears you are working on a project or are focused on a career which is paying dividends. Part of the success is working along with like-minded people all merging together as a well-oiled machine. Each person has something to bring to the table, so being a team player is important right now. Perfect planning and preparation will see you go far on any projects or plans that you are passionate about. You are on the right track so do not stop for anything. With your skill set, accomplishments and willingness to take on board others input, there is absolutely nothing stopping you! Project management is key in contributing to the success of this venture. Keep going! You are on the right track!

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What this card may mean in the Celtic Cross

If you’ve scanned the QR Codes on the back of each Tarot Card, by now you’re more than likely getting familiar with the Upright and Reversed meanings of the cards.
This detailed QR code page will take you even deeper into the meanings of your card and give you examples of what it may mean when drawn in each position of the Celtic Cross tarot spread.

You are cooking on gas at the moment as you breeze through a work project or career concept due to solid planning. To keep the momentum going, others with the same drive need to be encouraged to help you get to the end goal. Being a team player is vital at the moment as you can’t do all of this alone. Be mindful to nurture your peers as this will get the very best out of them. Respect their input and know that all of your planning is going to reap dividends. Lead by example and you will see that this project will shine and do nothing but go from strength to strength. You are completely focused and are on the right track, so stay positive, keep your supporters inspired and watch how a group of like minded people can bring your project to an amazing conclusion.

There could be discord amongst a team who are all trying to merge together on a work project or idea. There may be some egos involved here which is hindering your plans. If this is your project you need to get everyone together and iron out any disgruntled team players. If you haven’t got everyone’s back on this, then you won’t find anything moving forward fluidly. You may even have to take a step back and see if the timelines, resources and everyone’s remit is in balance. Ifyou spot any problems aim to bring about a speedy solution. Communication, respect for others points of view and leading a happy team will reap dividends. Alternatively you could be in a work environment where you find the day to day runnings a bit mundane or you are not being recognised for the work that you put in. This could be a time for you to consider a career move. If you do go out on your own, be mindful to ask for help if you find yourself struggling.

You have planned this work project or concept to a tee. Everything is starting to take off smoothly and you want to bring it to fruition with a well oiled machine running in the background which is your team. You want everyone to be happy and on board with your ultimate goal so that you can succeed in this a lot smoother and with more dividends at the end. You want to be an inspirational leader who is open to listening to others point of view. By respecting others opinions and input makes for a happy team who want to achieve just as much success as you do. Ideally being a top team player will see you achieve success and everything you want in life. You are on the right track so go for it!

You are very mindful at the moment that your project or work concept needs to grow and reach dizzy heights. You know that you can’t really do this alone as it does need a meeting of minds and opinions to help put all of the jigsaw pieces in the right place. With this in mind, bring your supporters together and respect their input, especially if it helps you to reach your goal quicker. There are good people around you so this is the time to embrace them and encourage them to work with you than rather for you. You know that you have to lead by example, so do just that in order that your idea runs with less complications. You know that you are on the right track, so keep focused and more vitally keep your team players happy.

In the past your career projects and work concepts have always eventually got to a satisfactory conclusion. You may have tried to do it alone but realised that you needed others to help you and contribute their assets in order to succeed. Being a team player is what is needed for you now in the present. You have learned that by having inspired minds and opinions of others has got you to the end goal a lot more smoother and quicker. Be a team player and lead your supporters with respect and positivity as this will take you a long way from the planning stage to your ultimate outcome. In the past you achieved satisfactory results. By having a group of like minded people sharing your passion, you will achieve an exemplary outcome.

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You are entering into a phase where your work concept or plan is now ready to start running at full speed. You have been diligent in your planning, now you have to keep the momentum going for this to succeed. A passionate team sharing your ultimate goal will reap dividends. So be mindful to nurture your supporters, be a team player and respect their input. Leading by example will help you achieve your goals so much quicker and with a more successful outcome. There’s no I in team, so be mindful of this when you are implementing your project. Monitor your group to make sure their are no time wasters or egos. Rectify any of these problems as they show themselves. Once you have everyone on board, you will not step a foot wrong.

You know that you are an inspirational team leader and that your communication skills are exemplary. You have a natural knack of inspiring the people around you that you need help from to succeed in this work project or idea. By being this person you are going to succeed in anything that you wish to accomplish. You know deep down that you are capable of leading these people, so go for it with confidence and compassion. You know that you can’t get everything done by yourself, so keeping the campers happy is your main focus at the moment. Keep believing in yourself even if there is a little discord in the ranks as this project moves forward. You know that you can iron out any egos and can certainly find solutions, so you have nothing to worry about. You have got this in the bag and you know it.

You are now starting up a work project or concept that had diligent planning from the beginning. It can and will work with the right input. This does however involve a team around you to fulfil your outcome. You could be exceptionally lucky and have a really good group of supporters who are willing to take this project to the end with as much passion as you have. Remember though it’s due to your leadership and team playing skills that has them happily working alongside you. There could be some however who are resisting being part of the team and not wanting to play ball. If this is the situation, it needs to be addressed quickly. Be mindful in understanding their opinions and input. By respecting everyone’s needs and wants you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. It’s all about you being a tactful and inspirational leader. A happy camp is a productive camp. The planning is faultless in this project, just make sure your leadership skills are just as impressive.

You have spent a lot of time planning this work project or concept. It is your baby and you desperately want it to succeed. You are aware that you need a good team behind you to help implement this fantastic idea. You hope that they are all on the same page and want to drive this forward with the same passion that you have. You also hope that you can do a good job leading your supporters and rallying around when they need your assistance. If they are happy, you are happy which will make this an ultimate success. You fear however that not all of your team may be as excited as you are to see this project to the end. You fear that you may not be able to manage them appropriately which will bring the work dynamics to a shuddering halt. Dig deep and bring that inner confidence out to the fore. You are a natural born leader and inspire these people by being a fabulous team player. Don’t let your own ego be the thing that hinders your plans.

You are entering into a phase where your work idea or concept has sailed through the planning stage and will be up and running. This is all good but you will need the assistance of others to help you succeed in making this project the best that it can be. Make sure that you draw upon your natural skills as a good leader and an inspiration to your team. By respecting their input and making sure that they are happy in their work will reap dividends for you in the future. Happy workers provide amazing results which is all you have ever wanted. By not listening to their opinions and concerns could leave you in hot water and allowing morale to take a dive. Make sure that you nurture your supporters so that they share the same passion as you in getting this project successfully concluded. As long as you lead by example nothing can go wrong as you are right on track with this project.

So now you have an even greater understanding of this card, and how it can be interpreted within the Celtic Cross tarot spread.
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Reversed Position

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