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Original Meaning

You are in the perfect space to give birth to new ideas on a creative level. Intuition is flowing through you, so if you have had an idea, take it to fruition. It is also time to acknowledge your inner emotions and check they are all balanced as well as concentrate on developing your psychic and spiritual abilities. Let your intuition and innovation flow through your being and act upon it. Take your natural talents and creativity to a new level. Look for synchronicities along the way to guide you on your path. Embrace nature and meditation at this time so you can be given messages from the divine. You may also be presented with a surprise from someone that is right down your street! News of marriage, birth and engagement could also be coming!

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What this card may mean in the Celtic Cross

If you’ve scanned the QR Codes on the back of each Tarot Card, by now you’re more than likely getting familiar with the Upright and Reversed meanings of the cards.
This detailed QR code page will take you even deeper into the meanings of your card and give you examples of what it may mean when drawn in each position of the Celtic Cross tarot spread.

Your creative juices are flowing as you find yourself brimming with passion to start new things. You are not worried about the practical implications of anything right now as you fully trust the Universe to guide you and show you the way with whatever you have in your mind that you wish to take forward. You may also be developing your psychic abilities and have been thrown into a wonderful existence where signs and synchronicities are taking you from one big thing to the next. Adopt a childlike enthusiasm and tell yourself anything is possible. You could also be hearing news of a birth, marriage or even be the recipient of a new love venture. Whatever situation you find yourself in remember any dream is possible if you believe!

You may have the most amazing creative idea but do not want to see it through because you fear someone might steal the idea, criticise you or that you may even muck it up yourself! It is time to try and stop all of this self-critic nonsense as you will find yourself going nowhere. You may also be experiencing creative blocks so perhaps it is time to chill out and come back to this after a well-earned rest and a little word with yourself. If you are looking within and trying to work with your intuition you may be confused as to what really is your intuition or your own ego. Carry on going deep with either practised silence or meditation to see what direction you need to take. All in all, it’s time to ground yourself and focus on what you want to achieve without all the emotion getting in the way!

You have amazing creative ideas and projects rattling around in your mind and desperately want to bring them into fruition. They have been festering long enough so maybe at last you are ready to move forward and start making your dream a reality. Alternatively, you could be striving to understand your spiritual self a lot more by taking on psychic classes or being more mindful in meditating more regularly. You are finding the ‘other world’ fascinating and are wanting to experience the synchronicities and signs that tell you the Universe is listening and helping you along. All in all, it is about going within and expressing your passions through starting projects or embracing your intuition in everyday life challenges.

The reason why you keep getting flashes of these creative ideas in your mind is because your intuition is telling you to get them going! They have remained in your head for far too long, it is now time to get them out in the open as they really will succeed. You are talking yourself out of it though by telling yourself that they will fail or you might not be able to realise your dream. Stop all of these negative thoughts and adopt a bit of self-belief! You are more than capable and you know it, so listen to these amazing ideas you have, take them on board and start to bring them into reality. Signs and synchronicities will show you that you are on the right path as soon as you take your first step.

You have been harbouring this creative idea or passion for a very long time. In the past you may have dipped your toe in and found that you had creative blocks or it just wasn’t the right time. The time is now my friend for you to start taking your amazing ideas forward and making them a reality. Don’t allow the past to bring you doubts and lack of self-belief. Take this step and move forwards knowing that this time you will succeed. You may also want to embrace the psychic or intuitive side of yourself that has been bobbing up in the past now and then. If this is the case, start taking psychic classes, meditate or carry out sessions where you sit in your own power with just you are your intuition.

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You could be entering into a phase where you have never felt so strong about wanting to bring your creative ideas into a reality. That project that has been rattling inside your head suddenly gets some limelight and you feel yourself driven to start making it happen. You could also be feeling the need to develop your spiritual side by taking psychic classes to enhance your spiritual development. There could also be some great news surrounding new love, weddings and births! The future looks bright so whatever you can do to enhance it, go for it!

You know that when you have a passion for something you are quite capable of taking it form the idea stage into a feasible project that will bring you success. So, what is putting you off? Yes, you may have had some bad luck in the past but why are you letting the little demons of self-doubt and fear of failure into your psyche? Stop doing this to yourself, look at the signs and synchronicity around you, they are telling you that it is time to get going and take this idea to the next level. You have a natural raw talent, it’s time to get going and ignore the self-doubt.

You are surrounded at the moment by signs and synchronicity that are pushing you to get this creative idea that you have in your head out into the open. On most days there is something that you see which is telling you to believe in yourself and make this idea a reality. You could also be experiencing a lot more ‘spooky’ things where the Universe is telling you to enhance your psychic skills or take on a spiritual development class or two. You know that you have amazing intuition so for once trust the signs and start your spiritual or creative journey before it’s too late.

You have the most amazing creative idea in your head at the moment and it has been there for quite a while. No matter what you do to try and put it to the back of your mind it keeps popping up along with signs telling you to get going! You do wish for this idea to come into fruition as you know with a bit of elbow grease it will be a success. You fear however that people may steal your idea, criticise you or that you may even fail at the first hurdle. Enough! You are quite capable of taking this idea and making it a reality so stop listening to the little demons in your ear! Go forward knowing that this will be a success and don’t forget to note the synchronicities on the way telling you that you are on to a good thing!

If you finally get this creative idea out of your head and on paper, then you really are onto a winner! You have been playing with this idea or project for such a long time it is time to make a plan and bring it into fruition. You will succeed at this venture but it will go nowhere if it just stays in your head. Alternatively you could be inspired to embrace your spirituality and want to develop your psychic skills. There may even be some great news of marriages, births and new love! Whatever the situation, synchronicity will show you what is right for you, the trick is to grab it when it comes before you miss it!

So now you have an even greater understanding of this card, and how it can be interpreted within the Celtic Cross tarot spread.
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Reversed Position

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