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Original Meaning

Opportunities are making themselves known to you, but you are not in a rush to say yes to any of them at this time. It may be that you have too much going on or have been let down in the past and feel defensive. You could be somewhat bored or disillusioned with your life and now these new proposals are showing themselves, you really do not know which way to turn. Take some time out from your life. Reach within yourself through meditation or walking in nature. Discern what is important to you and how you want to move forward. Determine what you really want to achieve and then you may be ready to accept the opportunities as they present themselves in the future.

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What this card may mean in the Celtic Cross

If you’ve scanned the QR Codes on the back of each Tarot Card, by now you’re more than likely getting familiar with the Upright and Reversed meanings of the cards.
This detailed QR code page will take you even deeper into the meanings of your card and give you examples of what it may mean when drawn in each position of the Celtic Cross tarot spread.

There may be many opportunities and offers being put on the table for you right now but you are inclined to say, ‘Don’t call me, I’ll call you,’ at the moment. This could be because you are a little defensive due to past heartache or failure or you just have too much on your plate. Whatever your reluctance, it’s time to withdraw a little and get yourself on an even keel so that you can work out what opportunities will work for you the best. You could even be totally disillusioned with life at the moment and just plain bored. Tap into your intuition and see what it is you really want. Have a good sort out and rebalance yourself so that you can get yourself ready to take up on these offers when they come again.

You are feeling that you want to withdraw from the world at the moment and have some ‘me’ time. This is absolutely fine as long as you don’t isolate and send the wrong message out to friends and family. Yes it is great to have some sacred space to meditate or mull things over but don’t give out an impression of disinterest. Make sure you make it clear to your circle that you are just having some temporary time out. During this time if any opportunities do come your way, think them through clearly as you certainly don’t want to miss out on something good. It’s all about balance at the moment. You may even be reeling from heartbreak and trauma where you just need to get your head straight. Take this precious time to get yourself back in the game.

Life in the fast lane can sometimes take its toll and you have realised that you really do want to take some time out. You may have reconfigured your calendar to make ‘me’ time far more important than running around like a headless chicken. You feel that you may not want to take up on any new challenges or opportunities at the moment as you have enough on your plate already. That’s fine, don’t feel guilty as you are aiming for re balance and a clear head ready for the next phase in your life. You may even just want to get some space to heal from heartache or loss. Whatever the situation, you are aiming for peace and quiet. Take some time out and rest, it will do wonders.

Everything may seem a bit dull at the moment. You may have thoughts of disillusionment and a lack of motivation. Generally your life may be boring you and you are feeling that you just want some time out as you really can’t be bothered. Your thought process is wanting to spend a day under the duvet and shutting the world out. If these impulses keep infiltrating your head space then it really is a message from the inner you saying it is time to relax and have some ‘me’ time. You obviously need to regroup, see what’s important in life and make some wise choices that will make you feel far happier. So say no to any offers for the time being and work out what it is that you really want.

You may be recovering from heartache or a loss that has taken place and just want some time out from the world and the people in it. You could be feeling a little disillusioned as your recent past has served up a lot of chaos and hurt. It is fine to take some time out to regroup, so make sure you only take any offers and opportunities that will help you and fit in with this new state of vulnerability. Meditating and having some alone time really will serve you well so that you can get back on an even keel ready for the next phase in your life. Don’t let the past affect your future. Try not to isolate in this energy that you find yourself in, let people in but only when it suits.

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You could be entering into a phase in your life where you will start to feel a little disillusioned with life. This could be because of heartbreak, a loss or failure where you will feel a little burned and don’t want to play in the game of life anymore. If this transpires, the trick is to take some time out and spend some quiet time alone. Think about where you want to go in life and what you want to do without taking every opportunity and option that comes along. Be mindful now to not have too much on your plate so that you can be strong enough for whatever comes your way in the future. As long as you put yourself first, that’s all that matters.

You are feeling very bored with life at the moment and may be feeling unmotivated. It could be because you are feeling defensive from a heartbreak or loss or just that you have taken on more than you can chew and are overwhelmed. Whatever the case it is not the time to take new things on. You know that you must take some time out alone and rethink your next move as you can’t be in this state of mind any longer. You know that by being alone and re-energising yourself will help to get you on an even keel so that you can prepare for the next phase in your life. All that matters at this point of time is YOU and you know it. Be kind to yourself, heal from whatever has taken place and choose any offers or opportunities in the future wisely.

You have either had someone break your heart or a situation has caused you to retreat as you really don’t want to play anymore. You could have also found yourself managing far too much in your life and are feeling burned out. You need to look at your situation as you have been through a rough time and now need to think about taking some time out to re-energise and get yourself back on track. There has been far too much going on around you making your plate very full. By retreating and going within, you can start to see what needs to go and what serves you. Now is not the time to jump on any boat of opportunity. Think wisely on any offers that come your way, only take them if they suit you and fit into your newly replenished lifestyle.

There are times in our life where we just want to get off of the carousel. We find ourselves going round and round getting nowhere fast but carrying more and more baggage on the way. You are hoping by taking some time out that you can replenish your energies and find a clearer focus on everything that is going on around you. You hope to lead a lighter life where you can manage your responsibilities with ease and not overdo it. You fear that life is overwhelming you and you just can’t cope. That feeling of wanting to withdraw and retreat into your own space for a while is your intuition telling you to just do that. To get the dream life that you want, take some ‘me’ time, this is when you will work out a far more balanced way of living.

You could be entering into a phase of your life where you really need to say no as you have far too much on your plate already. You may be feeling a bit disillusioned with life at the moment as things keep piling up and making you feel unmotivated. If this continues then you are going to go down a rabbit hole that could have you feeling even more at a loss. Start to think about what is offered to you at the moment and if it is worth taking on. If it isn’t don’t hesitate in saying no. You need to be taking some ‘me’ time and withdrawing a little to regroup and re focus. Forging on ahead and ignoring the signs of doing too much will not serve you well. Choose your options wisely and make sure they serve no one else but you.

So now you have an even greater understanding of this card, and how it can be interpreted within the Celtic Cross tarot spread.
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Reversed Position

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